Are you an Ontario-based healthcare provider?
* must provide value
Please note that the programs in this application form are intended for Ontario-based healthcare providers only. Applicants who are not based in Ontario and/or who are not healthcare providers (or current students working toward a healthcare provider designation) will not be considered for program enrollment. To learn more about our eligibility criteria, or to learn about our other programs, please visit our website: .
First Name:
* must provide value
Last Name:
* must provide value
Email Address:
* must provide value
Phone Number:
* must provide value
Extension (if applicable):
Alternative Phone Number:
What is your primary profession? Select which best applies.
* must provide value
Addictions Counsellor
Behaviour Analyst/Behaviour Therapist
Case Worker/Case Manager/Care Coordinator
Community Health Worker
Developmental Service Worker/Direct Support Professional
MD (Family Physician)
MD (GP Psychotherapist)
MD (Specialist)
Nurse Practitioner
Occupational Therapist
Physician Assistant
Registered Nurse
Registered Practical Nurse
Social Worker
Speech Language Pathologist
Please specify area of study:
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Please specify:
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Name of Organization (if possible, please avoid acronyms):
* must provide value
Organization Address:
* must provide value
Organization City:
* must provide value
Organization Postal Code:
* must provide value
Name of Educational Institution (if possible, please avoid acronyms):
* must provide value
Educational Institution Address:
* must provide value
Educational Institution City:
* must provide value
Educational Institution Postal Code:
* must provide value
Which Ontario Health Region is your organization/institution a part of?
NOTE: Please select which of the 6 Ontario Health Regions your organization is part of.Â
1. North East Region - Parry Sound, Sudbury, North Bay, Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie etc. 2. North West Region - Thunder Bay, Dryden, Kenora etc. 3. East Region - Scarborough, Peterborough, Kingston, Ottawa, Hawkesbury etc. 4. Central Region - Mississauga to Huntsville, Orangeville to Markham 5. Toronto Region 6. West Region - Waterloo to Windsor, Tobermory to Niagara Falls
* must provide value
North East Region
North West Region
East Region
Central Region
Toronto Region
West Region
What type of setting(s) do you practice in?
* must provide value
Both urban and rural
N/A - currently do not practice
Please indicate your primary practice setting: Note: Please only select "Community Health Centre" if your organization follows the CHC model. For more information click here.
* must provide value
Aboriginal Health Access Centre
Academic Hospital
Community Addictions Agency
Community Health Centre
Community Mental Health Agency
Community Mental Health and Addictions Agency
Community Support Services Agency
Family Health Group
Family Health Organization
Family Health Team
Nurse Practitioner-led Clinic
Private Practice / Solo Practitioner
University/College Health Care Centre
N/A - currently do not practice
Please specify:
* must provide value
What is the size of your organization or practice?
* must provide value
How many years have you been practicing?
* must provide value
0 to 1 2 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 19 20+
Have you participated in an ECHO program in the past?
* must provide value
Which ECHO program(s)?
* must provide value
Please note that ECHO Coping with Covid and ECHO Nursing: Strengthening Connections follow a slightly different format than our other programs, in that there is limited case-based learning. All of our Summer 2024 programs will feature case-based learning components (most often a case presentation from a participant, followed by a discussion about the case).
If other, please specify:
* must provide value
Will others from your team participate in this ECHO?
* must provide value
Yes No
NOTE: Please make sure that any member of your team who will participate completes this application. We require an application from each participant.
How did you hear about ECHO Ontario Programs?
* must provide value
Communications from professional association (e.g. newsletter, bulletin)
Email from ECHO Ontario Mental Health
Word of mouth (e.g. colleague)
Please specify which association you belong to:
* must provide value
Please specify:
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We are interested in supporting providers who may be working with underserved populations. Please describe the populations that you work with.
* must provide value
Please note that ECHO sessions are virtual and interactive. It is strongly recommended that you use either a laptop, desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone (with working speakers and microphone) to connect to the weekly sessions, so we are able to interact with you.
It is particularly helpful to see you virtually during ECHO in order to build an effective community of practice. Do you anticipate you will be able to turn your camera on in ECHO sessions?
* must provide value
Yes No
If no, please describe rationale:
* must provide value
Please note that your participation in this ECHO will include the following:
• Carefully reviewing and signing a Statement of Collaboration agreement (see below);
• Attending a 45-minute online orientation session prior to the first session if you have never participated in one of our ECHO programs;
• Attending at least 60% of the weekly sessions;
• Completing a pre-survey, weekly surveys, and post-survey;
• Delivering a short anonymized case presentation about a client in your practice during a session;
These programs run concurrently starting Summer 2024. The program dates and times are stated below next to the program name. Application questions will appear when you select a specific program. Please only select programs for which you can meet the expectations stated above.
NOTE: Visit our website at for more information about program curriculum.
Which ECHO Ontario program(s) are you applying for? [Reminder: These programs run concurrently. Please check the dates and times indicated below to confirm your availability.]
Please note, for "PROGRAM AT CAPACITY ," all available spots have been filled. A pplications will be added to a waitlist.Â
* must provide value
If you are applying to multiple programs, please rank your top choices:
NOTE: We will attempt to place you in your highest ranked ECHO. Enrollment is not guaranteed.
Choice 1:
* must provide value
ECHO Ontario Addiction Medicine and Psychosocial Interventions: Hospital-Based Addictions Care ECHO Ontario Integrated Mental and Physical Health
Choice 2:
* must provide value
ECHO Ontario Addiction Medicine and Psychosocial Interventions: Hospital-Based Addictions Care ECHO Ontario Integrated Mental and Physical Health
Why are you interested in participating in ECHO Ontario Mental Health Programming? (select all that apply)
* must provide value
Please specify:
* must provide value
ECHO Ontario Addiction Medicine and Psychosocial Interventions: Hospital-Based Addictions Care Note: This program is designed to help prescribers (MDs, NPs, Pharmacists) work with community providers to transition clients from hospital to community-based care.
What are you interested in learning?
* must provide value
What sorts of challenges are you experiencing with providing addiction care?
* must provide value
ECHO Ontario Integrated Mental and Physical Health Note: This program is focused on complex conditions (i.e., multi-morbidity with physical and mental health issues) and has been developed with physicians and nurse practitioners in mind. Despite the intended target audience, other healthcare professionals are welcome to apply.
What would you hope to gain by participating in ECHO Ontario Integrated Mental and Physical Health?
* must provide value
Describe (in list form) a current or recent case that you have found particularly complex and why:
* must provide value
Is there anything else you would like to share with us regarding your application or this ECHO?
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An important part of the ECHO model is to discuss real, complex patient cases, collectively ask pertinent questions, and develop recommendations for care. All personal information must be de-identified. Prior to the launch of the ECHO cycle we will work with you on an agreed-upon date for presentation, and will help you to prepare and submit this anonymized client case. We hope that you and your client will see this exercise as a helpful opportunity to share and receive feedback from the community of practice. Please confirm the following:
Are you currently working in direct practice with clients?
* must provide value
Do you have a case you would like to discuss during one of the ECHO sessions?
* must provide value
Yes, I have someone in mind
No, I cannot think of anyone right now, but I will do so prior to ECHO
No, I do not think I can present a case
If so, please provide a brief rationale:
* must provide value
Attached below is the ECHO Statement of Collaboration that outlines certain conditions which must be understood and agreed to in order to participate in any of our ECHO programs.
Please review the Statement of Collaboration.
Carefully review and check to indicate your agreement to the following statements.
I will participate in at least 60% of sessions.
* must provide value
I agree
I cannot attend 60% of sessions
Please specify why:
* must provide value
ECHO case presentations do not create or establish a provider-patient/client relationship between any Hub clinician and a patient whose case is presented.
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I agree
I've read the SOC, but have questions. Please contact me. I understand that the ECHO Ontario Mental Health Project team will require my agreement to this item from the SoC prior to my attendance in the session.
Personal identifying information about patients/clients is not to be shared during ECHO sessions. If this inadvertently occurs, I will follow my own organization's policies and procedures to address the privacy breach.
* must provide value
I agree
I've read the SOC, but have questions. Please contact me. I understand that the ECHO Ontario Mental Health Project team will require my agreement to this item from the SoC prior to my attendance in the session.
Recommendations from the Hub do not in any way replace my own diligence and professional expertise with respect to my patients or clients.
* must provide value
I agree
I've read the SOC, but have questions. Please contact me. I understand that the ECHO Ontario Mental Health Project team will require my agreement to this item from the SoC prior to my attendance in the session.
The ECHO team records sessions for educational purposes and occasionally takes photos for promotion.
* must provide value
I agree to this statement, and give ECHO ONMH permission to share photo(s) of me externally in presentations, reports and promotional materials. I understand my name, profession, and/or organization will not be included with the photo.
I agree to this statement, but I do not wish to have my photo shared externally. I understand any image of me will be blurred in photos used in externally facing presentations, reports, and promotional materials.
I've read the SOC, but have questions. Please contact me.
My participation data will be shared with the Ministry of Health, Ontario Superhub, and ECHO New Mexico as outlined in the Statement of Collaboration.
* must provide value
I agree
I agree to have my data shared with the Ministry of Health and Ontario Superhub, but want to opt out of sharing with ECHO New Mexico.
I've read the SOC, but have questions. Please contact me.
I have read and agree to the terms of the Statement of Collaboration with preferences as indicated above.
* must provide value
I agree
I've read the SoC, but have questions and understand I will be contacted to discuss this prior to being enrolled in the program
Initial Here
* must provide value
Please provide date:
* must provide value
Today D-M-Y
We will set up videoconference orientation sessions prior the start of the programs. Information about case discussion, how to access the session, and website access will be provided during this orientation.
Please select which session you would like to attend.
* must provide value
I have participated in an ECHO program in the past and already feel oriented!
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 11:00-12:00 p.m. EST
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST
I cannot attend any of the dates listed above and I will need to be sent an orientation PDF package.
Please select the 'Submit' button below to complete your application.This application will be reviewed by our operations team and you can expect to receive an email regarding your application status in the coming weeks.
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