Session: Breaking Through the Cloud: A Panel Discussion on Real World Experiences with Quitting Vaping

Date/Time: Monday, March 25th, 2024 at 11am-12pm ET

Moderated by: Dr. Peter Selby MBBS, CCFP, FCFP, MHSc, DipABAM, DFASAM

FEE: Free

This questionnaire is part 1 of 2 self-assessments of your learning in the TEACH Educational Rounds session "​Breaking Through the Cloud: A Panel Discussion on Real World Experiences with Quitting Vaping". Please take a few moments to fill out this assessment before the session.

Please note: Registration/pre-learning assessment and post-learning assessment surveys, in addition to attending the full hour of the webinar, are required in order to be eligible to receive a CAMH/TEACH letter of completion. This 1-credit-per-hour Group Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 1 Mainpro+ credit. The TEACH Educational Rounds have also been accredited with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Royal College), MOC Program Section 1: Accredited Group Learning Credits.

We are interested in your self-assessment of your knowledge and skills related to the webinar content, the feasibility, importance, and your confidence in using the various tools and interventions covered in this session, as well as getting a sense of the clinical activities in which you are currently engaged. This information will help guide future training development and help us to evaluate your pre-and-post ratings of key concepts.

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